Sunday, January 9, 2011


Happy New Year!

To those that have been following, listening and participating in the FML$ movement over the past few years, THANK YOU! I begin this new year focusing 110% of my efforts on the label, the music and the fans. "Left For Dead" is currently being recorded and will be entering mixing and mastering phases within the next month or so. We are "aiming" for a March/April release for the new record and that's as far as the info can go. I will be updating this blog weekly, if not daily with news, info or more on my counterparts and everyone involved with FML$. If you would like to be a part of the movement, help with shows, press, markerting, street team, email me at I promise that new merch stores, a website and more cool features will be releasing soon. So here's to 2011, join in, and we will make history together. For those interested in joining more thoroughly, please email me, and details will follow along with some FREE GOODIES. Thank you. Fameless What?!?!
